刮痧 Scrapping

刮痧是以中医经络腧穴理论为指导,通过特制的器具,在体表进行相应的手法刮拭,使皮肤出痧。 刮痧通过刺激体表经络穴位,可以达到疏通经络、畅通气血、清热化瘀的目的,有防病治病的作用。



疼痛管理: 一般疼痛疾病比如落枕、肩痛、腰痛、腿痛都可使用;

内科疾病: 如感冒、发热、头痛、失眠、面瘫、哮喘;

妇科疾病: 痛经、月经不调、闭经等;


Scrapping (Gua Sha) is a form of traditional Chinese therapy, based on the TCM theory of meridians. During the Gua Sha treatment, the skin is lightly scraped (刮 “gua”) using a scraping tool to produce a red, bruise-like/rash-like appearance (痧 “sha”). This helps to relieve tension and tightness, release blockage in the meridians, promote blood circulation and dispel toxins from the body, thereby preventing and treating various illnesses.

Gua Sha is suitable for a variety of conditions in adult and children including acute, chronic diseases and other multiple diseases.

Pain Management: General pain such as neck, shoulder, back, leg pain etc,

Internal medicine: Fever, colds, headache, insomnia, facial paralysis, asthma etc;

Gynaecology: Menstrual pain, irregular periods, amenorrhea etc; 

Health issues related to senses: Loss of hearing, tinnitus etc.